Approximately one billion people still lack access to electricity, with hundreds of millions more having limited or unstable power. At the same time, nearly 3 billion people cook or heat their homes with polluting fuels like wood or other biomass, resulting in indoor and outdoor air pollution that cause widespread health impacts. Access to reliable energy at home is a critical enabler for life value development.
GREEN Limited specializes in comprehensive renewable energy solutions for residential and commercial buildings. We have extensive experience in everything from the most modern new builds with clean technology to rural settings where there is limited or no reach. Our innovative ideas with meticulous engineering skills, and we anticipate to illuminate all the possibilities at your premises. Our Powering Home Solutions will enhance and improve the homes both in rural and urban areas with the delivery of proven sustainable power solutions for a better quality of life to all. Our solution coverage includes essential provisioning for lighting and water facilities, entertainment provisioning such as solar powered television, radio, solar refrigerator along with security lighting.